Coincidence, installed Gentoo on a WinXP VMWare today and I use VMWare it at work.
The only difference is that you don't need all the livecd drivers.

Maybe an doc for the specific installation is sufficient with a working kernel-config just like in the gentoo-wiki but an official one. Oh yeah... and submit to VMWare also. There's a lot of docs about other distros in the main site [1] but no Gentoo there.

The vmware-linux-tools is not up2date. I'll try to update the 5.0.0 ebuild and put it in bugs.g.o
I'm using workstation 5.5.1 and it as 32bits and 64bits binaries/drivers.


On 3/5/06, Jose Alberto Suarez Lopez <> wrote:
I think that it's a nice idea.
Maybe 2 versions: with X and w/o X just to reduce the space needed.

Can be great to try gentoo inside any other linux or win machine. Can
be great too to try new systems ebuilds or to test things.

El 04/03/2006, a las 8:32, Kalin KOZHUHAROV escribió:

> Hi all,
> I finally get to test the new 2006.0 LiveCD and the new installer (GUI
> version). It certainly has many kinks to be ironed out, but it is a
> great new start!
> I am now waiting for the install on a vmware-workstation-5.5 while
> reading what Google had to say about "VMWare Gentoo"...
> A few quick ideas:
> 1. Wouldn't be great if we have a pre-built VMWare machine that gets
> released with every new Gentoo release?
> The problems:
>       Somebody has to do it: /me is trying, somebody else already
>       using it?
>       As it will be pre-installed Gentoo, the many options that the
>       installer provides will be already pre-shoosen... However Gentoo
>       is flexible enough to change them after that.
>       Somebody has to host it: not sure how does this fit inside
>       Gentoo mirrors, it will probably be the size of a LiveCD
>       Somebody has to support it: how many devs and how many skilled
>       users are there for gentoo on vmware?
>       It depends on commercial closed-source software... Ir is it
>       useful with VMPlayer only?
>       Yeah, and the HOWTO [1] has to be updated...
> [1]
> HOWTO_Install_Gentoo_on_VMware_in_Windows_NT/2K/XP
> What is it worth:
>       For windoze people it will be a great way to experience/play
>       with Gentoo
>       For the challengers, using hardmasked-and-brake-my-gentoo
>       ebuilds in a nice snadbox will be easy
>       Just a quick preview of the next release or any other feature
>       bug
> 2. As a result of idea 1 and using the info from [2] the Gentoo
> community can get lots of fame and some people can get some money.
> [2]
> Kalin.
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