This might be interesting: Override the GNU C library -- painlessly "Many of the modern Unixes support the concept of preloading user defined libraries. These libraries can be either complete replacements (that is, a private version of glibc) or subsets -- even a single function. You can use a private version of glibc by setting the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include your private version of the library first. You can use a subset of library routines that you write by using the LD_PRELOAD environmental value. Both LD_LIBRARY_PATH and LD_PRELOAD are controlled by the dynamic ELF linker/loader. It uses a first match to satisfy any symbol name. By preloading your version of a library or function you short circuit the normal path, allowing you to override it." Mike Hogye wrote: > Is it deliberate that glibc-2.3.1 goes in SLOT 2.2? > > I'm having problems with Matlab that _seem_ to be coming from glibc-2.3. > It would be helpful to have both 2.2 and 2.3 installed if possible ... > but if they're intentionally in the same slot, that obviously won't > work. > > > -- > mailing list > _______________________________________________________________________ Busca Yahoo! O serviço de busca mais completo da Internet. O que você pensar o Yahoo! encontra. -- mailing list