Have you tried the Forums? http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic.php?t=8690 ifurita@texas.net wrote: > Hi > > I had been considering loading Linux for a very long > time and yesterday after seeing your new release with > the unreal demo I decided to finally do it. > > After downloading the ISO and building the CD I ran > into a problem. I've been out to newsgroups and > websites searching for an answer but alas the answer > doesn't look like it works with gentoo. > > My computer is SCSI only and for whatever reason it > will not boot from the SCSI CDROM (though it does > detect the bootable disk in the drive). So I decided > to just create some sort of linux boot floppy. > > Everything I could find about how to do this said > to use a program called RAWRITE and the cdrom.img > on the linux disk. Problem is I can't find any image > files on the gentoo disk nor can I find RAWRITE on > there. > > I'm sure you guys must have a way to create a boot > floppy but I've not found it in the installation > instructions or the alternate installation document > on your website. > > Could you please direct me to the location of a file > that will tell me how to get gentoo to run from a > scsi cdrom drive on a system where I can't boot from > that cdrom. > > Thanks > > > Randy > > _______________________________________________ > gentoo-dev mailing list > gentoo-dev@gentoo.org > http://lists.gentoo.org/mailman/listinfo/gentoo-dev > _______________________________________________________________________ Yahoo! GeoCities Tudo para criar o seu site: ferramentas fáceis de usar, espaço de sobra e acessórios. http://br.geocities.yahoo.com/