I have always respected Gentoo for it's ability to be completely helpful for people no matter what their circumstances but i fear we are pushing a secion of society away. We offer forums, mailing lists and the distribution itself in a variety of languages, we have attempted to port portage to various architectures and we give talks and represent the linux community at various ventures around the world. We need to be a bit more politically correct and help those who may not be in great numbers. The problem is that we are in no way helping our Amish friends. If we made it easier to use linux then i'm sure they'd embrace FOSS straight away! I suggest some measures that would help them integrate better because it may be frowned upon at first. 1. We should offer a special list: gentoo-amish 2. We should off that list by carrier pidgeon(s) for those who may find it difficult to get to a computer 3. When an event is being held in or around Pennsylvania we should send a horse and cart to bring them instead of offering plane tickets. 4. Along with Gentoo t-shirts we should offer large black gentoo hats and black gentoo suits. 5. A Gentoo logo could be offered to them so it could be sown on their quilts and perhaps sold in the Gentoo store I think you'll agree that although it is not essential it is an act of respect and is helpful in trying to bridge the gap between the Amish and FOSS communities. George