Of course, by being restrictive to the people who wish to help
long-term that is the greatest benefit to gentoo. If the @g.o email
addresses are a problem then the subdomain @staff.g.o has been
suggested. The staff subdomain would contain almost all relevant other
domains. If in the unlikely event that somone proposes a subdomain to
gentoo that couldn't be considered 'staff' or 'developer' then that can
be considered at a later date.
In the mean time we can have a GLEP about that site you were suggesting because that would make the ATs more efficient.
On Friday 18 November 2005 07:40 pm, George Prowse wrote:
> Yeah, I think a sub-domain may not be a good solution but unfortunately it
> is the best at present. The site is a good idea but nothing stops it from
I disagree that it is the best idea.. Better on my list is to just not hand
out email addresses if they can't be @g.o
What subdomain is going to come next? @xbox360ppcport.gentoo.org? I'll join
Kurt in the yellowstar domain..
Corey Shields
Gentoo Linux Infrastructure Team
Gentoo Foundation Board of Trustees
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list