On Donnerstag, 21. November 2019 09:11:46 CET Mart Raudsepp wrote: > See also this related old thread: > https://archives.gentoo.org/gentoo-dev/message/e04f6d321e424a237af62721d1d09 > 211 I think tackling the triad of opengl/gles, egl/glx, X/wayland is also a good idea. Generally, all these probably have to distinguish between "support for XYZ" and "use only XYZ", the latter hopefully being the exception, so that the former can take the shorter use-flag. That's what I don't like about the proposal from 2018: Globally enabling USE=gles will have different effects on different packages. That's also what I like about the recent proposal: The flags are more explicit. --Dennis