> I see no way of migrating to 23.0 profile because of not-recompilable > packages that are installed (over 4 years) which block --emptytree, > and do not wish to be forced to migrate to merged-usr on an openrc box > without a compelling need (on principle). That sounds a bit like self-inflicted pain. > Will patching back the 17.0 profile files into the portage tree if and > when they are removed work? Unknown. > Are there any options at all for this situation (like freezing the the > last supported tree protecting it from emerge-syncs, and using an > overlay for further updates?) You can try to just skip these packages (with --exclude) during the "emerge --emptytree ..." step. It should work, but no guarantees given. -- Andreas K. Hüttel dilfridge@gentoo.org Gentoo Linux developer (council, toolchain, base-system, perl, libreoffice)