Dear fellow (active and retired) developers, We (rich0, alicef, and myself) are currently working on a new Gentoo copyright policy, whose current draft version can be seen at [1]. One of its goals is to cover situations where Gentoo isn't the main copyright holder in a file. Connected to this is the question how accurate the first line of every ebuild is, which claims copyright for the Gentoo Foundation. Reportedly, in the past at least some Gentoo developers signed copyright assignment forms [2] to Gentoo Technologies, Inc., and possibly later to the Gentoo Foundation. Bug 140286 [3] suggests that this no longer took place since around 2005. Now my question to you is if (and when) you have signed such a copyright assignment form? Please reply to me personally; I'll post a summary to the gentoo-project list later. Old mailing list postings also show that several devs have refused to sign the form; please also reply to me if this applies to you. Thank you in advance, Ulrich [1] [2] [3]