On Montag, 9. Dezember 2019 13:03:02 CET Hanno Böck wrote: > It's an archive unpacker written in objective C, which makes it > dependency-heavy (particularly requires gcc compiled with objc). > I originally got interested because it was the only free unpacker > capable of handling modern rar archives. However libarchive does that > these days, so I don't see a strong need for unar any more. Thanks for that hint! app-arch/unar currently seems to be the only free choice for kde-apps/ kdeutils-meta-19.08.3[rar]: rar? ( || ( app-arch/rar app-arch/unrar app-arch/unar ) ) Does anyone know, does kde-apps/ark (for which kdeutils-meta depends on the rar implementations) also support app-arch/libarchive for RAR files? Is any useflag needed to get RAR support in libarchive? If kde-apps/ark does support unpacking RAR files with app-arch/libarchive, could it please be added to that dependency list? Then app-arch/unar could be removed from my system. --Dennis