On Thu, Jul 11, 2019 at 09:42:02AM -0400, Rich Freeman wrote: > On Wed, Jul 10, 2019 at 11:02 PM William Hubbs wrote: > > > > > RDEPEND="sysv-utils? ( !sys-apps/sysvinit ) > > > !sysv-utils? ( sys-apps/sysvinit )" > > > > I like this, but the second branch (!sysv-utils) is not really needed, > > because if we put sysvinit as the first RDEPEND of virtual/init, we > > don't need to worry about installing it through rdepend in openrc. > > Does openrc actually work with all the stuff you have in your proposed > virtual/init? Remember that OpenRC wasn't originally an init process at all. it was designed to work with any init process you want it to work with. That hasn't changed, I've just added an init to it which you can use if you want. > For example, you have systemd in there. I'm pretty sure you can't use > systemd as PID1 and then use openrc as your service manager. I mean, > you probably could come up with some way to do that, but certainly > openrc doesn't work that way today, or systemd for that matter. There is nothing stopping you from that on the openrc side. It would take a lot of custom systemd units to make it work, but that is an exercise for the reader. > You have runit in there as well. Can you use runit as PID1 and openrc > as your service manager? Sure. There's no reason you can't. > If the only init implementations that openrc actually works with are > sysvinit and its own init, then I'd just do it the systemd way. The > init virtual only adds value insofar as these other packages actually > provide an init that any other service manager could actually use. OpenRC doesn't really care what you use for an init, you just have to make the init do the equivalent of what is in /etc/inittab. William