Hello, fellow developers. TL;DR: switch to the darn gold linker, and start fixing your darn packages! After many years, the underlinking tracker [1] is still full of bugs. This is a huge QA problem, and most of the developers don't test for it. Long story short, the thing usually looks like this: a developer switches to the gold linker, starts hitting build failures and reporting bugs. Most of the time, nobody gives a damn about those bugs and the developer eventually gives up, wants to be able to upgrade his system again and switches back to bfd. So I'm asking shortly: please start caring. Switch to gold: $ sudo binutils-config --linker ld.gold Test your packages. Report bugs upstream. Get them fixed. If someone already tested it and reported the bug, proxy it upstream. Don't expect everyone else to do the dirty work on your packages. This is not some problem with a fancy non-standard configuration. ld.gold is just the messenger, and the message is: you are not linking to the libraries you are using. This is serious, and your package only works by accident. Of course, you don't have to pass my exact words upstream. That said, I'd really like for Gentoo to be able to finally switch to ld.gold by default. However, that can't happen if every common system is going to have 1-3 packages failing to build. Thanks in advance. [1]:https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=underlinking -- Best regards, Michał Górny