Dnia 2013-09-24, o godz. 01:40:58 Greg Turner napisał(a): > On Mon, Sep 23, 2013 at 2:16 PM, Michał Górny wrote: > > > > We have four active Gentoo developers in the team and one very helpful > > user. Plus a number of developers who are working in their narrow areas > > and supporting us indirectly. That's more than I expected, > > and the project has bright future. There are a few people who just like > > to trip us up but I think it'll all end up well in the end. > > Is there a work-in-progress code repository somewhere? Mailing list? > If I'm going to keep hacking on this I should definitely sync up with > you guys, I have a growing number of offline patches (some of which > might be good enough to go in as-is, some needing some work, and a few > abominations). Not really, most of the code goes into gx86 directly. Some of it gets masked first (like the late OpenGL batch). We can be reached through multilib@gentoo.org. If you prefer IRC, you're looking for mgorny, pacho2, aballier, _AxS_, iamnr3. -- Best regards, Michał Górny