All, it has been suggested that gentoo's oldnet scripts be split out into their own package separate from OpenRC so that they can be developed independently. I am looking at doing this for OpenRC 0.12, which I hope to release soon. This means when you emerge or upgrade to openrc-0.12, the net.* scripts will no longer be included. I am going to call the separate package that includes these scripts gentoo-oldnet. My plan is to write a newsitem when OpenRC 0.12 is released telling users this and that they will have to emerge gentoo-oldnet to get the gentoo networking scripts or turn on the newnet (maybe I'll change this to net) use flag to get OpenRC's network scripts installed and put ewarns in the ebuild if this use flag is turned off. I feel that a newsitem and ewarns in the OpenRC ebuild cover live systems well. In a nutshell, users should pay attention to their news items and ewarns. On the other hand, some are suggesting that I should add a runtime dependency to OpenRC so that it pulls in gentoo-oldnet. Since OpenRC doesn't need gentoo-oldnet in order to run, I feel like this would be abusing dependencies. Does anyone have any thoughts? William