On Tue, 05 Feb 2013 18:48:44 +0100 Pacho Ramos wrote: > app-admin/eselect-wxwidgets > dev-python/wxpython > x11-libs/wxGTK > dev-util/bakefile These are the core packages. Any help with these is welcome but we would ask people to join the team. > app-dicts/opendict > app-editors/editra > app-editors/wxhexeditor > app-i18n/poedit > dev-util/codeblocks > dev-util/dialogblocks > dev-util/helpblocks > dev-util/wxglade > media-libs/wxsvg These we would welcome any help (co-maintainer/proxy) with. editra, poedit, and wxsvg have relatively frequent bumps. codeblocks breaks randomly from time to time. The rest are in maintainer mode. > net-misc/wxdfast This could probably be treecleaned. I remember it crashing a lot with promises it would be fixed in the next version, which never came. > games-engines/odamex > games-strategy/megaglest These look like false positives. wxwidgets doesn't handle them. -- gcc-porting toolchain, wxwidgets learn a language baby, it's that kind of place @ gentoo.org where low card is hunger and high card is taste