Am Samstag, 2. Februar 2013, 19:11:30 schrieb James Cloos: > >>>>> "MS" == Michael Sterrett writes: > MS> # Old, dead upstream, slightly broken and uses imake. > > Nothing wrong with old. The web page is still there. It works > reasonably well and THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH IMAKE. > > MS> # Masked for removal on 20130302 > MS> games-arcade/xboing > > One should just let it be. > > -JimC Well, except for the fact that it 1) did not start (immediate fortify crash because the string buffer was too short to hold the font name for a debug output) 2) was unplayably fast (imagine what you get when you pass milliseconds to usleep...) So in this case the mask was quite adequate. 02 Feb 2013; Andreas K. Huettel -xboing-2.4- r1.ebuild, +xboing-2.4-r2.ebuild, +files/xboing-2.4-buffer.patch, +files/xboing-2.4-sleep.patch, metadata.xml: Adopt package, fix buffer overflow (kinda), bug 442290, and impossible game speed. Drop to ~arch as we're returning from package mask. (This wakes some old memories...) -- Andreas K. Huettel Gentoo Linux developer