On Sunday 13 November 2011 12:45:50 Samuli Suominen wrote: > On 11/13/2011 07:37 PM, Mike Frysinger wrote: > > but i've hit this since with cross-compiling Linux targets: > > - pygobject ebuild inherits gnome2 eclass > > - pygobject's src_prepare first calls gnome2_src_prepare > > - gnome2_src_prepare always calls elibtoolize (which normally is good) > > - pygobject's src_prepare applies patches and then calls eautoreconf > > - eautoreconf regens all files that where patched earlier > > - eautoreconf's call to elibtoolize is skipped > > - builds fail which need those elibtoolize patches > > also a bug in those ebuilds then, since gnome2_src_prepare() should > always be the last call/command in src_prepare() yes, but the current state is that people don't notice and things silently break. i'm turning the situation into a QA warning so bug reports get filed/fixed, and things continue to work in the mean time. -mike