2011-05-17 20:24:16 Mark Loeser napisaƂ(a): > Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis said: > > > I second that. Why do we need to make all the work fixing packages > > > instead of letting upstream do their job? I am not so excited to > > > fix every package I maintain as it is quite possible to introduce > > > regressions in the process. Furthermore, I don't understand your first > > > message. You say that you will provide xml.use_pyxml() function on > > > python-2.7. Is this code official or you are just patching the official > > > python releases? > > > Anyway, as I said, I'd rather wait for upstream to fix their packages > > > instead of me. > > > > Some upstreams are dead and some packages using PyXML will never be ported by upstreams to use > > something else than PyXML (e.g. lxml). > > Then those packages should get removed from the tree. Do not start > introducing Gentoo specific hacks to work around the problem. Majority of packages from http://tinderbox.dev.gentoo.org/misc/rindex/dev-python/pyxml seem to have active upstreams, which doesn't mean they are actively working on porting these packages to use something else than PyXML. -- Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis