Fellow devs, I've started working on bringing systemd to Gentoo [1] lately, and I think it is important to raise the aspect of systemd unit inclusion in various packages in gx86 ASAP. The number of packages coming with systemd units is growing rapidly recently, and that especially applies to freedesktop packages. One side effect of that is that these packages treat systemd as an automagic dependency, installing systemd units whenever its pkgconfig file is installed. I already opened two bugs on that [2,3] but there would be much more... That's why I'm asking now: how should we proceed with installing systemd units? My current concept of keeping them separate from gx86 packages is good for a short early testing period but is a maintenance PITA for a longer term. And requires either adding '--without-systemdsystemunitdir' to a growing number of packages or removing the systemd.pc file (to avoid unit collisions). Thus, I think the correct way of proceeding would be to update gx86 packages to install systemd unit files. As they are plain text files with no side effects only, this shouldn't hurt at all even while systemd is not in gx86. Considering the above, I think it's also unnecessary to introduce a dedicated USE flag for them. Much like with logrotate, those are only small, text files which won't do anything (unlike openrc-related files [4]) if systemd is not being used. If someone is really opposed to having those files around, I suggest using INSTALL_MASK. I even consider creating a small tool to simplify setting common INSTALL_MASKs. [1] http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=318365 [2] http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=363961 [3] http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=364065 [4] http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=364159 -- Best regards, Michał Górny