The following packages list me as maintainer. I am gonna remove myself from them soonish ( 15-20 days ) so feel free to grab them if you want to app-admin/makepasswd app-backup/rsnapshot app-crypt/bsign dev-util/dissy media-gfx/viewnior media-libs/liblqr sci-biology/biogrep net-misc/pmsvn x11-misc/dragbox sys-apps/pyrenamer media-gfx/arss All of them *should* work just fine but I am not quite aware about the status of upstream development. I plan to remove myself from many more packages which I co-maintain with several herds such as qt,kde,desktop-misc and graphics. Hopefully they will be able to maintain them without me supervise them. Thank you -- Markos Chandras (hwoarang) Gentoo Linux Developer Web: