On Sun, 4 Jul 2010 17:17:25 +0200 Fabio Erculiani wrote: > How are we supposed to handle the amount of installations out there > that are using OpenRC then? > OpenRC/bl-2 have proven to be a big improvement over the old stuff. I > am for fixing current bugs, and keep it maintenance mode at least. > I'm already spread over several things but I could give a hand to > other devs willing to take over. http://archives.gentoo.org/gentoo-dev/msg_21f716d5ffa6f04520e39d12fbe43452.xml > The only reason why OpenRC has not come up for stabilization by it's > maintainers is the fact that everytime there's a new version readied > for release, on the horizon there's new incompatible changes being > planned for the next version. The OpenRC maintainers in Gentoo have > always chosen to wait until OpenRC settles down a little bit. Now with > the plan to drop support for certain features (ADSL and PPP support in > the networking code), it's going to rewrite more Gentoo people to step > up to develop and maintain this code. I would say it's settled down now. I don't think stable can wait another 2-3 years on baselayout-1 while we switch to yet another rc system. -- fonts, gcc-porting, and it's all by design toolchain, wxwidgets to keep us from losing our minds @ gentoo.org EFFD 380E 047A 4B51 D2BD C64F 8AA8 8346 F9A4 0662