> if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then either lose the quotes or lose the double brackets. hint: the former. > echo "!!! xmms2_flag() called without a parameter." >&2 > echo "!!! xmms2_flag() []" >&2 use eerror or die > if use "$1"; then USE flag cannot contain spaces or anything else that requires quoting > else > : # nothing is generated > fi my, we sure do like to be verbose > --destdir="${D}" \ you need to give the DESTDIR to configure ? no wonder xmms2 sucks > ${CTARGET:+--with-target-platform=${CTARGET}} \ i highly suspect this isnt what you think it is. if this option is for cross- compiling, then use ${CHOST}. > optionals+="$(xmms2_flag $option)" dont need the quoting when doing ...=$(...) > "${S}"/waf the default dir for most src_* funcs is $S, so just use ./waf > use python && python_mod_optimize $(python_get_sitedir)/xmmsclient shouldnt sitedir be quoted ? -mike