In the spirit of finishing projects that I started long ago, and have
been improving with age (hopefully we don't end up with any vinegar), I
bring you yet another post about automatic bug assignment.
Hopefully if this is accepted now, we can see about the integration needed when
Bugzilla3 comes online.
=========== [v1] [v2] [v3] [v4] [v4a]
Known prototypes:
- I believe this prototype is fully up to date, it just takes
herds/metadata.xml as well as a string, and gives you the output the
rbu: can you confirm that your prototype matches the proposal?
How is it integrated into workflow?
(This was raised by halcy0n at the v3 review, and replaces the previous section
on triggering).
1. Bugs are still filed as normal, with the same default assignees
(bug-wranglers most commonly).
2. In the wrangling process, we add a new button to the page, labelled:
"Suggest assignment".
3. Optionally, the wrangler edits the summary line right now, but does not hit
'Submit' yet.
4. The button causes a (javascript) query back to the server (also
available as a web service for other usage). The only data sent is the
'Summary' string.
5. Javascript then appends the server results into the "Additional
Comments" box: a suggested assignee and suggested CC values, with logic
as to why.
6. The wrangler can copy and paste the data into the fields, editing
further as desired.
(Putting the data into the comments allows the assignment tool to
explain WHY it decided certain actions).
Alternatively, the above can be accomplished with pybugz integration.
Assignment/CC computing:
Step 1 - Summary line processing
1. If the summary line contains a package atom for a package that
exists, use the metadata.xml for that package.
2. If the summary line contains a package atom for a package that does
not exist, but a category that does exist, use the metadata.xml for
that category.
3. Process ALL atoms in the summary line, using any after the first for CC
only. (new in v4)
Step 2 - Metadata.xml contains only a herd
1. Take the herd element, and look up the herd in herds.xml to convert
to an email address. This email address must be a valid bugzilla
2. This email is treated as an implicit maintainer element after this
point. "${HERD_EMAIL}"
[See notes]
Step 3 - element
1. Add the maintainer element to an ordered list, in the order they are
present in the file.
2. If an element appears more than once, the later element overrides the
earlier element. (This provides a route when the herd is assigned,
but does not wish to receive email for a specific package).
3. If a maintainer element contains the non-default 'ignoreauto=1'
attribute AND a non-empty description element (describing why this
maintainer should not be contacted), delete it from the list.
Step 4 - Assignment
1. Use the first email in the ordered list as the assignee.
2. Place all remaining emails in the CC list.
3. Include a short comment about the processing results.
1. For handling no-herd, we should add an entry into herds.xml to
catch it (maintainer-needed g.o). Every herd listed in an ebuild MUST be in
2. Herds that do not wish to be contacted for specific bugs should add an
maintainer element stating that (and use 'ignoreauto' on the element).
This case however should be very rare, as the package probably doesn't
belong in the herd if the herd doesn't care about it.
3. If "no-herd" is listed as a herd AND the metadata contains another herd or
maintainer element, drop the "no-herd" entry from computation.
4. If you want the default assignment to go to a maintainer, and NOT the herd,
move the element further down in the metadata.xml!
Differences to prior bug-wranglers policy
(now included because every time I posted, somebody raised it. See [v4a]).
- Bug wranglers (
"When the file lists multiple entries, then you assign the bug to the first
maintainer, and CC the other maintainer(s) and herd(s)."
- The root problem with this is that various herds and maintainers want
different behaviors on their bugs.
1. Assign to herd, CC all others (eg: GNOME, base-system)
2. Assign to first maintainer, CC herd and others (eg: net-mail)
- Instead, the automatic policy would be summarized for the bug-wranglers
policy as follows:
"When the file lists multiple entries (either herds or maintainers), then you
assign the bug to the first non-ignorable entry, and CC the other entries."
- Using the order of herds and maintainers in the metadata.xml would be
required even as a fallback to other optional XML attributes, and
additionally makes sense when you just read the metadata.
Effects on metadata.xml syntax
- Category metadata is now permitted to have herd and maintainer elements.
- New attribute under maintainer, 'ignoreauto'.
--- metadata.dtd 2007-11-20 10:07:33.000000000 -0800
+++ 2008-10-18 23:22:55.000000000 -0700
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
@@ -13,6 +13,10 @@
Robin Hugh Johnson
Gentoo Linux: Developer, Trustee & Infrastructure Lead
E-Mail :
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