Members of Gentoo Python Project have agreed to deprecate the following functions in EAPI <=2: - python_version() - python_mod_exists() - python_tkinter_exists() - distutils_python_version() - distutils_python_tkinter() These functions are already banned in EAPI >=3. 1. In this week, these functions will start printing deprecation warnings in older EAPIs. 2. On 2010-07-01, these functions will start calling die(). (If any ebuilds in gentoo-x86 still call any of these functions on 2010-07-01, then addition of calls to die() will be delayed.) 3. On 2011-01-01, these functions will be removed. I will also send the announcement to gentoo-dev-announce mailing list to ensure that developers not subscribed to gentoo-dev mailing list will notice the deprecation. The attached patch shows text of deprecation warnings. -- Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis