On Sun, Feb 22, 2009 at 09:42:00PM -0500, Caleb Cushing wrote: > is there anything preventing mysql* ebuilds from being slotted? there' > be a mysql 3, 4, 4.1, 5, 5.1, 6.0 slots Large degrees of headache. The MySQL team tried it years ago, you'll find some some mentions of mysql-slotted in the history of our eclasses, and the mysql patchsets. Was ultimately dropped for the degree of maintenance headache involved - which included modifying lots of programs to look for the MySQL libraries differently, and bugs triggered when shared libraries were linked against different versions and then used together. There's not much actual need to use a slotted MySQL anyway. Building a newer client (Say from 5.1) works against older servers quite fine. -- Robin Hugh Johnson Gentoo Linux Developer & Infra Guy E-Mail : robbat2@gentoo.org GnuPG FP : 11AC BA4F 4778 E3F6 E4ED F38E B27B 944E 3488 4E85