Hi, packages that are in a herd, but could need someone dedicated to it: app-portage/elogv, elogviewer, kelogviewer (tools-portage) -- low maintenance dev-lang/erlang (lang-misc) -- a version bump now and then (four times a year), seldomly but then obscure bugs, cooperative upstream mail-client/claws-mail and all plugins (net-mail) -- a version bump is some work, but low rate of bugs, ken69267 is there to maintain, but he maybe needs a helping hand sci-visualization/gnuplot (sci) -- revamped, not much work left, low maintenance usually sys-apps/mlocate (base-system) -- low maintenance, cooperative upstream Packages that maybe go into maintainer-needed: app-admin/hwreport -- just noticed, it needs a version bump, low maintenance app-admin/tmpwatch -- low maintenance dev-cpp/libthrowable, app-portage/gatt -- very cooperative upstream for both (mlangc for both) app-text/rnv sys-apps/einit sys-apps/einit-modules-xml sys-apps/einit-modules-scheme -- all four are running on proxy, low maintenance media-sound/cmus -- low maintenance net-misc/icaclient -- low maintance net-misc/vpnc -- low maintenance, cooperative upstream x11-misc/gaia -- low maintenance, has to do with its non-functionality V-Li -- Christian Faulhammer, Gentoo Lisp project , #gentoo-lisp on FreeNode