Updates to last month's topics ============================== http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/council/meeting-logs/20080508-summary.txt Document of being an active developer ------------------------------------- Requested attendees: araujo Last month: Numerous suggested improvements to info on the certificate. Preparation: araujo needs to post progress, an updated certificate and any new requests to the gentoo-council or gentoo-project list 2+ hours before the meeting. Goal: Suggest changes. This should happen on-list. No discussion expected. Slacker arches -------------- Preparation: vapier needs to send the post 2+ hours before the meeting. Goal: Suggest changes. This should happen on-list. No discussion expected. Can the council help fewer bugs get ignored by arm/sh/s390 teams? ----------------------------------------------------------------- Preparation: Someone on an undermanned arch team needs to describe their workflow on-list 2+ hours before the meeting. Goal: Suggest changes. This should happen on-list. No discussion expected. PMS: Are versions allowed to have more than 8 digits? ----------------------------------------------------- http://archives.gentoo.org/gentoo-dev/msg_db2f5c09c2c0c8b042ca3d0dcec7cdaf.xml https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=188449 Preparation: Do the package maintainers with extremely long PVs need them? The involved packages: sys-process/fuser-bsd sys-apps/net-tools sys-apps/gradm net-im/ntame media-video/captury media-libs/libcaptury media-libs/capseo sys-block/btrace www-apache/mod_depends net-wireless/rt2500 sys-fs/unionfs Preparation: What's the impact of extending versionator.eclass? Goal: With data in hand, make a decision. How to handle appeals --------------------- Preparation: Post to the gentoo-council mailing list 2+ hours before the meeting with your opinion. Goal: Vote on an approach that was previously posted to the list. New topics ========== as-needed by default -------------------- antarus requested that we vote on whether to add it to the default LDFLAGS. Preparation: Post your opinion to the -dev thread "RFC: --as-needed to default LDFLAGS" 2+ hours before the meeting. Goal: Vote. GLEP 54 ------- Preparation: Post your opinion to the -dev thread "A few questions to our nominees" 2+ hours before the meeting. Goal: Vote. GLEP 55 ------- Preparation: Post your opinion to the -dev thread "GLEP 55" 2+ hours before the meeting. Let it attempt to come to a consensus before we vote. Goal: Vote once the discussion's no longer clearly ongoing. We can hold this vote on the -council mailing list instead of waiting for the next meeting. GLEP 56 ------- Preparation: Post your opinion to the -dev thread "[GLEP56] USE flag descriptions in metadata" 2+ hours before the meeting. Let it attempt to come to a consensus before we vote. Goal: Vote once the discussion's no longer clearly ongoing. We can hold this vote on the -council mailing list instead of waiting for the next meeting. Status of PMS ------------- ferringb said: I'd like the council to please discuss the current status of PMS, if the running of it satisfys the councils requirements of a *neutral* standard, if the proposed spec actually meets said standards, and if said spec is actually going to be approved sometimes this side of '09. Preparation: Post your opinion to the -dev thread "One-Day Gentoo Council Reminder for June" 2+ hours before the meeting.