I'm now using gentoo with EXTRA_ECONF="--disable-static" for a while and it seems quite stable. Sometimes I encounter a package that won't build with this setting, but that's a rare occasion. At the moment this packages are for me: x11-libs/libXxf86vm sys-devel/gdb-6.6 dev-libs/jrtplib-3.5.2 dev-libs/libpcre sys-apps/ed I see that this way to disable static libraries is not perfect. Disabling static linking has - for me - before all the advantage of reducing size for most packages - for some packages up to 50%. So I'm curious why (nearly?) all ebuilds build static _and_ dynamic libraries? I understand that the current way is pretty hassle-free. But from my perspective a (possibly officialy unsupported) way to make things easier for people who wan't the choice would be fine. I'm sorry if there has been such a discussion already. Also I don't want to start a flame about what is the better choice (static or dynamic). regards Roman