Worth a shot, it seemed to work last time (and I just noticed that a neglected -dev mail folder is a bad thing). G-cpan-0.15 was put out last night; 99% bug fixes, a few easter eggs, and some tweaks. Any other cool updates in the last few weeks? (it's been 20 days since the last time I started this thread - at this rate, we might make enough input to make Chris' job on the gwn easier). -- -----o()o---------------------------------------------- Michael Cummings | #gentoo-dev, #gentoo-perl Gentoo Perl Dev | on irc.freenode.net Gentoo/SPARC Gentoo/AMD64 GPG: 0543 6FA3 5F82 3A76 3BF7 8323 AB5C ED4E 9E7F 4E2E -----o()o---------------------------------------------- Hi, I'm a .signature virus! Please copy me in your ~/.signature.