On Sun, Sep 03, 2006 at 10:53:44PM -0500, Grant Goodyear wrote: > I'm adding a new key, "M" for "moribund", that will identify GLEPs that > have been accepted, but never implemented. If there's any sign of life > in such a GLEP, I'll happily change the "M" back to an "A". > > Here's the changes that I intend to make unless folks squawk otherwise: > > 15 (script repo) --> M > 19 (stable tree) --> d (deferred due to inactivity) > 20 (/srv) --> M (there are local flags, but no obvious work on a global) > 31 (UTF-8 in the tree) --> I, unless there's any obvious reason not to > 32 (maildir location) --> d > 33 (eclass restructuring) You left out the char indicating your intention here; 33 likely will have to be revisited in light of original intentions for it and how paludis has implemented their equiv (and no, that's not a potshot). 33 is bound to an EAPI bump most likely anyways, so probably will be revisited when someone pushes a EAPI=1 glep (few months for me I'd expect). > 35 (ebuild checking) --> d > 37 (virtuals deprecation) --> F? (Isn't this already implemented?) No, actually; A) no package.prefer B) (bad jason), the consistancy section, it actually was a req of the metapkg conversion that portages resolver go either -D by default, or metapkgs be marked in some fashion so that portage knows to always go one level deeper when encountering a metapkg. > 46 (upstream tags in metadata) --> status here? Didn't even know that existed, personally have some questions on it if someone has the intention of resurrecting it; neutral, just question some of the keys... > 49 (alt package manager 1) --> R (by council; sane API preferred) > 50 (alt package manager 2) --> R (by council; sane API preferred) Might want to clarify the "sane API preferred" bit. ~harring