This is a testing request aimed at all arches that have differing kernel/userspace bit counts. My short list so far is: - ppc64 - 64/32 (tested myself, but more testing needed) - sparc64 - 64/32 - mips64 - 64/32 [1] Other possibles (they should be theoretically capable of it, but the profile is marked broken, or doesn't exist in Gentoo presently): - s390x - 64/31 - amd64 - 64/32 (the profile is marked as broken) - superh - 64/32 - hppa - 64/32 Additionally, I'd like some testing under pure 32, pure 64, and multilib systems, just to be 100% certain it doesn't break existing functionality. I have tested x86 myself, and had reports that pure ppc64 work fine. This patch uses multilib.eclass to bring linux-mod support much further forward in allowing kernel modules in the portage tree to be built on 64/32 split systems. It would be nice to have this in 2006.1 (I suspect catalyst/genkernel could probably benefit greatly from it). There's two parts to it: 1. get-KERNEL_CC support and usage in linux-mod.eclass 2. Profile changes: Each user needs to define KERNEL_ABI, and then CHOST_*, CFLAGS_*, LDFLAGS_* for the value of KERNEL_ABI. For a platform with a biarch compiler, you'd use CFLAGS_xxxx64="-m64" (or 32), and LDFLAGS_xxxx64="-m TARGETNAME". For a platform with two separate compilers (kgcc64), but a single binutils, use the same LDFLAGS, but instead of CFLAGS, do CHOST_xxxx64="......." instead. Example for ppc64 with 32-bit userland. +KERNEL_ABI="ppc64" +LDFLAGS_ppc64="-m elf64ppc" +CHOST_ppc64="powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu" Now the bug with the patch: Bug 133382: Test cases (some of them may not compile if built into your kernel): sys-block/iscsitarget-0.4.13 net-wireless/zd1211-80 x11-base/x11-drm-20060608 sys-fs/cowloop-2.15-r1 sys-fs/fuse Notes. 1. Mips: with your triple ABI stuff, you might want to look very closely at this. -- Robin Hugh Johnson E-Mail : GnuPG FP : 11AC BA4F 4778 E3F6 E4ED F38E B27B 944E 3488 4E85