On Friday 28 April 2006 21:20, Grant Goodyear wrote: > Ryan Phillips wrote: [Fri Apr 28 2006, 01:57:30PM CDT] > > > I disagree. The developers should make *all* the decisions. > > Originally, Gentoo was effectively a meritocracy. It's now, in some > respects, a republic. If you want a democracy, feel free to draft a > new "metastructure" proposal (feel free to name it something less > awkward), and drum up support to get it voted upon. > > > Bypass the council. The council should be there only for when we get > > sued, and manage the money we make. > > For what it's worth, the Council does neither of those things. That's > what the Gentoo Foundation is for. > > > Does anyone agree that having a council is too political? I strongly > > believe it stifles gentoo. > > Do you have some specific examples of how you've seen the Council > stifle Gentoo, or is it mainly just a general impression? > I generally agree with you. I've not seen the council stifle anything (except that it perhaps could have encouraged more). Any stifling is more because the large amount of inertia caused by the big amount of developers. As for abolishing the quiz, I'm strongly opposed to that. The quiz is a hurdle that is there for a reason. Partly it shows determination. It also filters out those people who don't know when they don't know something. We have developer documentation for a reason. The quiz ensures that everyone knows that we have it. Paul -- Paul de Vrieze Gentoo Developer Mail: pauldv@gentoo.org Homepage: http://www.devrieze.net