On Sat, 4 Mar 2006 05:20:06 +0000 Marius Mauch wrote: | "* Portage must extend portageq to implement a command which | returns whether or not the profile used for a given repository ID | matches a certain base path (e.g. portageq profile_used | default-linux/sparc/sparc64/2004.3 gentoo-x86)." | Wording here is a bit unclear, I assume it's supposed to mean wether | or not the (any) used profile belongs the the given repoid and is (a | subprofile of) the given profile name. Using "path" here is dangerous, | e.g. portageq profile_used base gentoo-x86. Hm, that one needs clarifying. Do we even want it to be based upon inherit path rather than filesystem path? | As any substantial change results in a new news item should there be | an optional "Obsoletes" header? Could be used to make sure people | only see the most current version (without relying on rsync to wipe | deleted files). I'd really rather not. That makes writing clients a lot harder. -- Ciaran McCreesh : Gentoo Developer (Wearer of the shiny hat) Mail : ciaranm at gentoo.org Web : http://dev.gentoo.org/~ciaranm