Two ways this one can occur. Way the first: foo-1.0 has a file in SRC_URI called foo.pdf. Then foo-1.1 comes along, and has a different foo.pdf. Way the second: foo-1.0 has a file called examples-1.0.tar.bz2. bar-1.0 also has a file called examples-1.0.tar.bz2. To avoid this, ensure that your packages use versioned SRC_URI component names, and that the name part is something that's reasonably likely to be unique (e.g. includes the package name). Side note: if the packages in question are fetch restricted, you're screwed, and will not be able to add them to the tree. Current offenders shall be receiving bugs shortly, since That Which Shall Not Be Named now checks for this. -- Ciaran McCreesh : Gentoo Developer (Wearer of the shiny hat) Mail : ciaranm at Web :