On Monday 26 December 2005 10:26, Diego 'Flameeyes' Pettenò wrote: > I wouldn't like this. > The reason is, they are also used in eclasses that might be generic; while > for example kde eclass checks for the presence of files before dodoc-ing > them, I would rather see it ignore the actually presence or less of the > files, and just dodoc the one that exists, without failing if some does not > exists. I'm not sure if we're on the same page as far as the target audience of this change. The target audience is developers/those with strict in their features. The whole reason it's done is to be a bit more "strict" (hence the FEATURE phrasing) on general QA. For users that don't need this level of strict checking, they simply disable the feature. Generalized assumptions of code finding files simply isn't clean. Checks should be done to verify files before attempting to install, that's just the way it should be out of general practice. > One can be reasonably safe that it will find AUTHORS ChangeLog README NEWS > and TODO files in generic packages, if they follow GNUs style for example, > but sometimes they can be missing. Yes, but while GNU style is indeed the more popular of build sytems, others still do exist, and will continue to exist. I've always found dodoc should be checked anyways, and if we're assuming the documentation consists of the formentioned items, then we're also having the situation of missing other important documentation as well. This all should be checked the first time a package is imported/version bumped for consistancy. > I'd rather not see the change. Chris White