On Tue, 13 Dec 2005 05:19:27 -0700 Duncan <1i5t5.duncan@cox.net> wrote:

| Ciaran McCreesh posted <20051213032043.55a6e40f@snowdrop.home>,
| excerpted below,  on Tue, 13 Dec 2005 03:20:43 +0000:
| > Ok, new draft. Changes are as follows:
| []
| > * Changed /var/lib/portage to /var/lib/gentoo
| OK, I must have missed the reason for that, and it isn't listed in
| one of your "a previous version" notes, unless I missed that too. <g>

It's getting ready for the glorious future when we won't be using
Portage any more. I also changed most of the instances of "Portage" in
the GLEP to "the package manager".

| Wouldn't it be less confusing if the news warning appeared in the same
| place, relative to the package listing, in both of these?  Isn't an
| emerge --ask just the output of pretend, with a confirmation pinned
| to the end? Shouldn't it continue to be that, at least in concept?

It's a question of visibility.

| First, the change outline doesn't state what the result actually was,
| in the GLEP. Mandatory would require a MUST (or a similar statement
| that it's mandatory), while the GLEP words it as a SHOULD.  Or is
| "should" not to be taken in the usual RFC meaning, but rather as an

I'm avoiding 'must', because there's probably a legitimate exception

| Third, recall from the discussion of an earlier draft, someone
| mentioned the multiple meaning of read (as here) vs. "read" (as in
| README).  The suggestion to avoid that ambiguity was "seen" and
| "unseen".  Another might be (un)viewed.  I'm not sure this is a big
| enough issue to matter much, particularly with "unread" there as
| well, to influence the context, but as I don't recall that point
| being addressed, I thought I'd mention it here.

Pfff. Email clients use it. Trying to avoid words with multiple
definitions in English is pretty much futile.

Ciaran McCreesh : Gentoo Developer (I can kill you with my brain)
Mail            : ciaranm at gentoo.org
Web             : http://dev.gentoo.org/~ciaranm