Hi list, Nattfodd's joining to help with the text-markup herd. His real name is Alexandre Buisse and he lives in Lyons, France, where he is studying for computer science in the Ècole Normale Superieure de Lyon. He's aiming to achieve either a Ph.D. in logic, although he's also considering model theory, lambda calculus or "Curry-Howard things. He is experienced in C and OCaml, which he considers his main languages. He's also competent with Perl, Python and Common Lisp. In addition, he's looking to learn Haskell and Coq (an Ocaml derivative designed for creating formal proofs of mathematical theorems). Alexandre has a patch in Hurd/L4, he is a co-maintainer and creator of funk, a kernel in Ocaml (http://www.gna.org/projects/funk) and he participated in the Google Summer of Code in writing a generational garbage collector, GMC, for the Perl 6 VM (http://www.parrotcode.org). He is also part of the Bed team (http://www.gna.org/projects/bed), aiming to create a vim-like editor in Ocaml. There, he is responsible for the GTK and Cairo side of things. And just to top it all off, he's writing a cairo-based window manager, yauwm. So, please welcome Alexandre to the team. Thanks, -- Tom Martin, http://dev.gentoo.org/~slarti AMD64, net-mail, shell-tools, vim, recruiters Gentoo Linux