We have received *numerous* complaints from users about the decision to remove stage 1 and 2 from the installation documentation. I realize it's still available if users are willing to dig for it, but not all users do. In my years of monitoring www@gentoo.org, we've received the most complaints about this decision than any other single decision. Is there a way we can re-introduce the stages into the installation documentation, perhaps with gigantic warnings saying, "for advanced users only" or "use at your own risk"? --kurt ----- Forwarded message from Varun Dhussa ----- Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2005 19:50:07 +0530 From: Varun Dhussa To: www@gentoo.org Subject: Complaint Hello, Gentoo claims to be giving freedom. However, I was dissapointed to see that the stage 1 had been removed from gentoo 2005. Infact, even the handbook makes no refference of it. This takes Gentoo another step closer to other distros like Ubuntu. A dissapointed user, Varun Dhussa India ----- End forwarded message -----