After realplayer the last week, also helixplayer is pending removal from the tree. HelixPlayer, opensource player developed by Real and somewhat similar to RealPlayer has a bad history of security vulnerabilities and it's still vulnerable to a security issue (1.0.6 is out but still missing an ebuild). As the maintainership of this package is difficult, and the package by itself is a bit of a mess (for example it does only build fine on x86, no way it can work on amd64 or other platforms AFAICS), I've masked it and it's pending removal in 24h. As the release of 2.0 version is imminent [1], and that version *might* work better on non-x86 arches, the media-video herd reserve the possibility of a return when that version is released (hopefully with less security concerns). If someone wants to join the herd for maintaining this package, is absolutely welcome. Knowing the past problems, if someone wants, it's also invited to write a maintainer's guide (similar to xine's[2]) so that if it's going to leave the team someone else will know how to treat it. [1] [2] -- Diego "Flameeyes" Pettenò - Gentoo/ALT lead, Gentoo/FreeBSD, Video, AMD64, Sound, PAM, KDE