Hola all- Got us a new dev to harass, mentored by ribosome, and helping out in the scientific herd- quantum chemistry, and molecular dynamics packages, subjects that have have the potential to cause cereberal hemorrhaging :) In his own words- I have been part of our research group's (http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/) system administration team for the last 5 years. We have a pretty large computational facility with probably more than 50 desktops, lots of servers, several hundred CPU's in beowulf clusters, and many TB of (backuped) storage. Currently, I am a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. This, unfortunately, implies that I don't have a lot of spare time. What's left of it I spend with my family, hacking away on my Thinkpad T30, and reading. To remain somewhat sane, I maintain a pretty strict running schedule of about 7-10 miles a day. Finally, I really enjoy cooking; unfortunately, due to my geographic location and a non-air conditioned apartment any significant cooking is restricted to the cold mid-western winter :) So welcome him, dump bugs on 'em, and in general put him through the usual ringer :) ~harring