As I'd like to get sooner or later (better sooner) the profiles for Gentoo/FreeBSD in main tree, I've synced the fake base profile in gentoo-alt overlay with the one in the tree. Unfortunately there are things in base that are linux-specific, so they, IMHO, should be moved in default-linux. The attached patch is the proposed changes, they are mainly linux-specific userland that does not work outside of Linux-based systems, but there are also some GNU-specific packages like which that we don't use. I would have some other changes for virtuals, but they are less important right now. Obviously if this is going to be applied the missing packages should be added to the packages of default-linux and other linux profiles that does inherit from base. Comments? -- Diego "Flameeyes" Pettenò - Gentoo/ALT lead, Gentoo/FreeBSD, Video, AMD64, Sound, PAM, KDE