On Tue, 1 Nov 2005 14:32:47 +0100 Jakub Moc wrote: | What do you mean "they aren't tied to ebuilds"? I don't really | understand what this feature should do then, it seems. Once again, | what's wrong with reusing emerge --changelog mechanism for displaying | this kind of information? We make changes that have scope other than ebuilds. | I'm not particularly happy with idea of emerge as a newsreader | really, IMHO we should display relevant, vital upgrading information | *when relevant*, not to inform users about upgrades that they are not | interested in in the least. Which is what my proposed GLEP does, at least as far as we can determine automatically. Yes, occasionally this will mean giving, say, mysql 4.1 upgrade instructions to people who plan to use only mysql 4.0, but then, if we didn't give them the news, most of them wouldn't know that they don't want to upgrade. And it doesn't turn emerge into a news reader. All portage does is deliver the news. How said news is read is a different issue. | And please, keep the thing simple so that I can be done in reasonable | amount of time and does not follow the destiny of einfo/ewarn logging | (3 years and counting). Of course. Hence why I'm proposing something easy and workable, and not suggesting some magic new framework that will solve all existing problems (including world peace). -- Ciaran McCreesh : Gentoo Developer (Vim, Shell tools, Fluxbox, Cron) Mail : ciaranm at gentoo.org Web : http://dev.gentoo.org/~ciaranm