Icky on the html email :P
On Wed, Sep 07, 2005 at 05:45:16PM -0700, m h wrote:
> Hello-
> I'm investigating the similarities between portage and openpkg. More
> specifically I was wondering if it is possible to take portage and
> install in on top of an existing linux installation in its own sandbox
This is what fink does, and what gentoo-osx is moving towards.
> (similar to what openpkg does). I've done some googling and found the
> documentation about the gentoo sandbox
> ([1]http://bugday.gentoo.org/sandbox.html), but this seems to be a
> tool for checking that ebuilds behave correctly.
Moreso protection, then ensuring they behave correctly; if they do
something they shouldn't they get blocked from what they're
attempting. It's an active tool, rather then a 'check' of the ebuild
(that and it's limited to linux, no *bsd implementations).
Akin to depriving, although depriving is more effective- one can
sidestep the sandbox, can't sidestep being de-prived aside from priv
> I've read through
> the developer documentation and didn't find anything there. Google
> hasn't necessarily been very useful either....
> So, is it possible to sandbox a portage installation on top of say a
> debian or fedora install? If so, can anyone point me in the right
> direction?
With current ebuilds, nope. There's no global prefix offset in the
code for it (root is merge offset, not runtime prefix offset).
> Do any of the devs out here have experience with openpkg?
Pretty much an extension of rpm spec's, afaik.
Beyond that? Heh, nope :)