On Sat, Aug 27, 2005 at 06:38:36AM -0500, Brian Harring wrote: > You're masking occurs within the profile itself, not globally. > Global masking usually is for introduction of new ebuilds that need > testing and shouldn't be hit by normal arch testers (portage early > release candidates for example); if you're blocking valgrind on arm > (fex), you *should* be blocking it in profiles/default-linux/arm, not > profiles/package.mask ;) > > If it's profile specified files, relax, not targeted :). > Strictly after getting the global data out of there, and into a > directory reflecting that data's actual role within the repository, > and makes sense in a more flexible, non single > $PORTDIR+$PORTDIR_OVERlAY environment. > > Aside from that, see my other email re: the seperate levels of > filtering :) > ~harring That clarified it for me :) Thanks Ferdy -- \\|// . . . o o o o O O ( Born to be ) o o ( FREE ) +--ooO--O--Ooo-----------------------------------------------+ | Fernando José Pereda Garcimartín - http://www.ferdyx.org | | Gentoo Linux Developer - http://dev.gentoo.org/~ferdy | | [ ferdy AT ferdyx DOT org ] && [ ferdy AT gentoo DOT org ] | | 20BB BDC3 761A 4781 E6ED ED0B 0A48 5B0C 60BD 28D4 | +------------------------------------------------------------+