On Mon, 22 Aug 2005 04:31:09 -0700 Duncan <1i5t5.duncan@cox.net> wrote: > Of course, the other possibility, if the permissiveness of BSD is > desired, > would be a dual-license BSD/GPL. That clears up any possible > conflicts > directly and immediately. OTOH, with portage itself already GPL2 > licensed, I'm not sure I see much point in BSD licensing any portage > dependent new code, in any case, since it's dependent on GPL2 code > anyway. > Still, the dual license certainly can't harm, and would likely be my > choice if I wanted the BSD permissiveness to apply to my code, > under the > circumstances. (FWIW, I prefer GPL, so there's no question that's > how I'd > license it if it were me, but it's not, so that doesn't count.) > BSD licence allows any fork to be created with any other licence, so a BSD project can have a GPL fork. I didn't thought about changing Portage itself simply because I don't know if the changes are welcome to Gentoo itself, probably more a Gentoo server project. But if that is a possibility I have no problems with GPL. Ricardo Loureiro -- http://pgp.dei.uc.pt:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x6B7C0EC0