Hi all! OK, subject isn't fully the truth. Portage doesn't set RDEPEND=DEPEND for eclasses. So, please check your eclasses and if they only set DEPEND and you need the RDEPEND=DEPEND thing, go ahead and add it to the eclass! For the ebuild part the plan is to remove the automatic RDEPEND=DEPEND setting from portage. I can hear you scream: - "But that's a nice feature!" - "It makes my life easier. Don't do it!" Here are the reasons for removing it: - RDEPEND is the only variable that gets this special treatment. Less confusion, if we remove the "magic" from RDEPEND. - The ebuild should clearly say what it needs and not rely on portage deciding the RDEPEND=DEPEND bit. - Developers are just setting DEPEND and leave RDEPEND alone, which results in unnecessary RDEPENDs. The removal will (hopefully) make developers pay more attention and result in cleaner dependencies. - eclasses don't have the automatic RDEPEND=DEPEND thing, the change will streamline ebuilds and eclasses to be treated equally. Cheers, Sven -- Sven Wegener Gentoo Developer http://www.gentoo.org/