Time for cleanups in Gentoo/FreeBSD.. we already disabled inetd building in our latest ebuilds, but that isn't exactly sorted out for a reason: I don't know how to deal with xinetd. Let me summarize: inetd is the old-unix-insecure implementation that it's usually used. xinetd is a (drop-in?) replacement for it which is now used by quite everyone who wants an inetd-style daemons. Now the problem is: I don't really know how inetd/xinetd works, I just used them some time ago to have a cvs pserver, but that was a very long time ago. Right now, we have a couple of packages with xinetd useflag, one with inetd useflag, and others which doesn't care and just installs the configuration file unconditionally: flame@enterprise ~ $ grep inetd devel/gentoo-x86/profiles/use.* devel/gentoo-x86/profiles/use.local.desc:dev-db/firebird:inetd - If you want inetd version instead of a superserver (daemon) devel/gentoo-x86/profiles/use.local.desc:net-ftp/proftpd:xinetd - Enable support for starting from xinetd devel/gentoo-x86/profiles/use.local.desc:net-ftp/vsftpd:xinetd - Add support for running under xinetd devel/gentoo-x86/profiles/use.local.desc:net-mail/qpopper:xinetd - If you want inetd version instead of standalone devel/gentoo-x86/profiles/use.local.desc:net-misc/linux-identd:xinetd - Use xinetd instead of the initscript flame@enterprise ~ $ ls /etc/xinetd.d/ cups-lpd cvspserver svnserve swat telnetd so what we should do? Add a global xinetd useflag and a doxinetd function to add/remove the installed config files? Yeah i know they aren't so big.. but "the less, the best". -- Diego "Flameeyes" Pettenò Gentoo Developer - http://dev.gentoo.org/~flameeyes/ (Gentoo/FreeBSD, Video, Gentoo/AMD64, Sound, PAM)