Hi All, In the past, a few folks that aren't part of the SPARC herd had communicated that they had the ability to actually test packages on SPARC hardware and been giving the blessing of the SPARC team to keyword select packages. I'm trying to go through and update that list now to make sure it is accurate. Currently I have the following people and/or teams listed as having the ability and permission to test and keyword on SPARC; Name Package(s) ---- ---------- Duncan Coutts dev-lang/ghc dev-lang/ghc-bin dev-lang/nhc98 dev-lang/hugs98 dev-haskell/* dev-util/darcs Java Herd dev-java/* Jeff Forman random stuff Tom Martin net-mail/* Please contact me privately if you are missing from this list but have notified the SPARC team in the past about an ability to keyword or if you need to update what information is on the list. Thanks, -- Jason Wever Gentoo/Sparc Team Co-Lead