Hi again, On Tue, 28 Jun 2005 17:47:42 +0100 twofourtysix wrote: > On 28/06/05, Ricardo Loureiro wrote: > > Also, I truly doubt that any moderator would refuse to be > > considered a Gentoo staff or anything gentoo related, otherwise > > why choose to give their free time to the forums? > > Would the likes of [1] be considered acceptable from a Gentoo staff > member? > > [1] http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic.php?p=1053530#1053530 No, that's exactly why I said a quiz should be used for any moderator, even if they are not to be considered staff or developers. And that proves why I said moderators should need to be responsible and mature. To have Gentoo internal knowledge is irrelevant for the forum moderator work, but needed for official technical support. BTW, let's make that an example and not discuss (again) that particular episode. Ricardo Loureiro -- http://pgp.dei.uc.pt:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x6B7C0EC0