Georgi Georgiev wrote: [Fri Jun 10 2005, 08:04:25PM EDT] > maillog: 10/06/2005-13:19:30(-0400): Aron Griffis types > > Btw, here's an interesting statistic which really doesn't add to (or > > detract from, I hope) this discussion... > > > > grep -hr --include=\*.ebuild '^KEYWORDS=' /usr/portage | perl -ne ' > > s/[^[:lower:]\s]//; @F = split; @S = sort @F; $sorted++ if "@F" eq "@S"; > > END { printf "%d%% of ebuilds are sorted (%d/%d)\n", 100*$sorted/$., $sorted, $. }' > > > > 49% of ebuilds are sorted (9435/19174) > > Your statistic seems to be flawed on a number of occasions. Assume > KEYWORDS="x86 ppc" > > s/[^[:lower:]\s]//; You wrote a long email to tell me that I forgot /g, I think. ;-) grep -hr --include=\*.ebuild '^KEYWORDS=' /usr/portage | perl -ne ' s/[^[:lower:]\s]//g; @F = split; @S = sort @F; $sorted++ if "@F" eq "@S"; END { printf "%d%% of ebuilds are sorted (%d/%d)\n", 100*$sorted/$., $sorted, $. }' 31% of ebuilds are sorted (6028/19185) Regards, Aron -- Aron Griffis Gentoo Linux Developer