On Thursday 31 March 2005 16:10, Fabian Zeindl wrote: > Are there anywhere more informations about OpenPAM? Because I read > several threads about problems with Udev and PAM's console.perms. There > are a few threads which suggest deinstalling PAM under Gentoo. See my email of just a minute ago about pam_console. console.perms is something related with pam_console which, as I said, is only a workaround which does more bad than good things atm. I'd like to see it off-the-tree, but as this is not practical, moving it out of sys-libs/pam ebuild could be enough to have it safe for now. Please note that is not enabled by default on recent systems. About removing PAM, it's not practical in a recent linux system, but maybe when openpam will be enough well integrated on gentoo it could be a good alternative as it's way lighter and minimalist. -- Diego "Flameeyes" Pettenò http://wwwstud.dsi.unive.it/~dpetteno/